
Showing posts from November, 2022

Digicel Trinidad launching eSIM tomorrow (25 Nov 2022)

I was scrolling through Facebook and came across a post stating that according to a leaked memo we will see eSIM launched by Digicel tomorrow eSIM is a chip embedded in your mobile phone rather than a physical removable plastic piece that we currently use in Trinidad. The US version of the iPhone 14 only supports eSIMs and locals are used to ordering their iPhones from the US. Hopefully this spurs on bmobile to quickly follow. A search on Digicel's website lead me to this article that gives official information such as "eSIMs will officially launch on 25th November, 2022." Check to see if your phone is supported and decide if you want to switch

ARTificial Intelligence

Illustration I created called "ARTificial Intelligence". Brain has AI in it. Nail has AI in it. Shows a hammer hitting a nail on the head to make my point. Brain is in head. Entry in this contest .

Twitter we love you. Please stay for us!

I started this blog post in my head on my way to the doubles man this morning. Twitter was trending on Twitter late into the night and this morning. Oh the irony. I was kept awake by the tweets and I went to sleep at about 2am. Many were left to wonder if this was going to be the end of Twitter. Twitter was bought by Elon Musk and some investors. Elon brings his style of control and his ideas. He promotes free speech and has been controversial in words and actions. Twitter has lost advertising revenue, cut staff and experimented with the verification badge, among other things. Elon is one of the richest persons in the world and has had much success with his companies Tesla and Space X. Not everyone likes Elon. I have mixed feelings about Elon. I like that he speaks his mind, that he is open to challenges and that he is not afraid to experiment. On the other hand, I find that he should handle the employees at Twitter with care and that he should be open to criticism. I want him to succe...

I asked Dr Erica Wheeler, PAHO/WHO Representative, some questions about Telemedicine in Trinidad and Tobago

What is telemedicine? Telemedicine is the use of electronic information and communications technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participants.  ¹ That is, clinical services – doctor-patient consultations – are delivered remotely. What are some of the benefits of telemedicine? Greater accessibility to health care Flexibility for the patient and health worker on managing the patient Less of a financial burden on the patient who does not have to travel to the health facility; it also saves time for the patient Can help improve patient compliance with health plan as the health worker can more easily follow up on adherence to treatment and share health information Patient data collection and management. What sort of technologies are involved in providing telemedicine? Mainly ICTs, for example: computer equipment – inclusive of PCs, tablets and lap tops; smart phones; telemedicine kits; television; teleconference software/platforms/apps; data storage...

Becoming a paperless society in Trinidad and Tobago - SWMCOL answered some questions I had

The idea behind a paperless Trinidad (for me as a citizen and tech blogger) is that paper transactions be replaced with electronic transactions, receipts and documents. For example if I purchase from a supermarket, the receipt can be sent to my smartphone. Other examples are etextbooks and epapers. Google "paperless society" to see articles on this and the benefits of this. These are the questions I have How much paper waste is generated annually in Trinidad and Tobago? A waste characterisation study (CBCL Waste Characterization Study, 2010) conducted in 2010 reported that approximately 700,000 tonnes of solid waste were recorded reaching the landfill sites in Trinidad during the same year. Tobago recorded approximately 17,228 tonnes deposited at the Studley Park landfill site. The data on Trinidad shows that organics, plastics, paper and glass dominate the waste type distribution of the samples analysed. 84% of the items were considered as recyclable and could be diverted fr...

Celebrate the small things

My art piece called "celebration" The new year is a time of reflection and planning. Last year I wrote a blog post for the new year and I am doing so again this year. I can feel the end of year and new year because the days get cooler and the nights and mornings get colder. The parang starts playing on the radio. The Christmas festivities usher in the end of the year. The stores start giving out calenders. The groceries bring out the butter cookies and the nuts you have to buss. Pastelles go on sale by the dozens. Did you accomplish your goals in 2022? Did you learn new things? Did you unlearn some things? These are questions we should all be asking as we welcome the new year. The worst of the pandemic is over and the hype and panic and discomfort has passed. Humanity and the human spirit has overcome. I say a prayer for myself, my community and my country. May God guide us and bless us. May He give us strength and humility. The number 23 is my favorite so I am thinking 2023...

Diversity of thought

My art piece "butterflies in my mind" It is a comforting Saturday on the island. Plenty of thoughts are going through my beautiful mind. Reminds me of my art piece, "butterflies in my mind", that I have included in this blog post. I admire persons who talk their mind. I admire when persons are allowed to talk freely. It is nice when we are allowed to be ourselves. Otherwise it is a struggle. We have to navigate the agendas and biases and fit the moulds. It can feel like walking on eggshells. We have to tow the line. I like to hear all sides. I promote diversity of thougth. We come from different backgrounds. We were dealt different cards. We experience life differently. We are varied perspectives. I want to encourage persons to share their ideas. Diversity of thought encourages creativity and solutions. Never think that your different is not welcomed and not needed. Great minds think differently. I like this quote from Malcolm Forbes, "Diversity: the art of thi...