Teching out loud

It is the Carnival long weekend here in Trinidad and Tobago. I am here relaxing in the quiet of Warrenville thinking. A bunch of things. I say let me start a blog post and just write what comes to mind. A sort of thinking out loud. First on my mind is the dearth of local tech content creators. I get a big smile whenever I come across any local tech content. If you know of any Trinidad and Caribbean tech bloggers or tech youtubers please please share with me. Maybe the next MKBHD will come from the Caribbean. Maybe the next Steve Jobs will come from the Caribbean. I want to see and hear us.

Next I am thinking about some current affairs in the local tech space. Starlink application is waiting on the minister's approval. What ever happened to the 3rd mobile operator license? Waiting on TSTT to launch paypr. I thought Digicel would have launched an ewallet first. I dont know why they chose that name but I would have chosen something else. If you have local tech news and know of things that are coming please send me a message. See ways to contact me from the connect tab on my blog. Support your local content creators.

AI is a big trending topic these days. Do I worry about AI becoming dangerous? No I dont. I worry about human beings using AI to do bad things. The tech does not control us. We control the technology. I think there will be more good to come from AI. Also the tech is newish so it will be buggy. This is just a phase we will have to go through. We will learn and be better and make improvements.

Is the Ministry of Digital Transformation making an impact? Are we going somewhere? My wish for a long time was to have a dedicated minister and ministry of technology. I put a lot of my hopes for the local tech scene in the ministry of digital transformation and minister Hassel Bacchus. I see a lot of potential but I am worried that it will become same old same old and they are becoming just like all the other ministries of the past. I wish they would respond to my emails. I wish they would break the cycle. I wish they would be different. I wish they would recognise how important they are to our future progress and development.


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