Bright Minds and Great Ideas

The world is filled with problems. We here in Trinidad and Tobago also have our problems. I am often thinking about how tech can help with solving our problems. I hear the complaints. I hear the ideas and solutions. We have lots of bright minds. So then why does it feel like we are not making progress and things are getting worse? What do we do with our bright minds and great ideas? How do we ensure that the right persons are in the right positions?

What is a bright mind? A bright mind sees the world differently. Someone who applies critical thinking, analytical thinking and innovative thinking in daily living. Someone who thinks deeply and can solve complex problems. Someone who is open minded. Bright minds discuss ideas. What are great ideas? I think that the greatest ideas are the simplest. Great ideas inspire us to act. Great ideas make a huge impact on our lives. We all have the potential to come up with great ideas.

So what is next? I love the message I came across in this video on Big Think by Olivia Leland titled "The 3 keys to solving complex global problems". It made a lot of sense to me. She says we have to listen, collaborate and think long term. Let's think about the huge crime problem we face here locally as an example. We are discussing and complaining and offering solutions daily and everyone knows what needs to be done but who is listening? The police and police commissioner alone cant do it. We have to collaborate. Dealing with crime demands a multistakeholder approach with particular attention to root causes and prevention. This is not an overnight problem. It took some time for us to reach here. So we have to think long term.

The one system that everyone passes through is the education system. We have to ensure that our education system is producing citizens of the future. We have to be proactive. We have to choose our leaders wisely. The ones that will listen to the bright minds with great ideas. If we want bright minds we must feed our minds with the right things. Bright minds and great ideas equals innovation and a bright future. We should be listening to the visionaries. We should be thinking solutions. I am always questioning, challenging and sharing and I hope I am making a difference.


Eric Butler said…
A united force is essential to achieving successful results.

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