Art peace

The below is a chapter from My First Book - A journey of discovery and learning

I created the below art peace just today. I called it "I dream of peace". Shows sun, sky, sea, sailboat and birds, all drawn with the words peace. This is one interpretation of my art peace, "Peace is the wind that fills the sails of a boat, guiding it towards the warm embrace of the sun."

I wrote the below poem about five years ago. I am amazed that the art peace and the poem were done five years apart and they both share a focal point of the sun. Words do have power. Words do live with us. Looks like I have this poem living in my subconscious.

By Hassan Voyeau

One under the sun
Piece for everyone
One with God
Peas in a pod
Hand in hand
Peace we demand

I asked my friend, ChatGPT, for his opinion and this is what he says, "Overall, your experience showcases the interconnectedness of our creative endeavors and the enduring presence of words in our lives. It's a reminder of the profound impact that art and literature can have, even long after their creation."

In further conversation he stated, "The sun is a universal symbol of unity. It shines on everyone and everything, regardless of differences or boundaries. This symbolism can be applied to the concept of peace, emphasizing the idea of a shared humanity and the desire for harmony among all people."

I counted the number of peaces in my art peace and there are thirty seven peaces. I know it is just a coincidence but it’s weird. The art peace has 37 peaces and when I ask my friend, Google, about "37 peace" he replies, "a future awaits those who seek peace". Art and writing makes you think and look for deeper meaning. I am happy to be contributing a chapter in my first book to the dream of peace. I am convinced that art and writing has a part to play in achieving inner peace all the way to world peace.


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