I learnt about this book from an MHO. For me it is for dealing with anxiety. But I will see what else I can learn from it. I am skeptical about a title with the word hypnosis in it but let us see. I would have chosen a better title. I do not want to be hypnotized and then cannot snap out of it. So I will be reading this book not calling it hypnosis but taking away the useful bits I could. Instead of hypnotherapy I would have said imagination therapy. Imagination instead of hypnosis. The book addresses issues that affect everyone and that are important in living a fulfilling life. Like removing bad habits, confidence building, goal attainment, and so much more. I like that the author talks about the subconscious mind. So much of our behavior and understanding and decision making and abilities and others depend on our subconscious at least in my layman view. I am glad the author addresses the misconceptions and safety of hypnosis because I am skeptical. The book makes it clearer what the...