
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

I had this idea to count the occurences of letters in the chapter titles and see if anything of meaning could be derived. There is beauty in numbers and Maths after all. I asked Bard to do the counting but it turned out Bard was giving me wrong counts. I realized this because it was telling that there are two v's in my chapter titles when I can easily see that there is only one. I fired up Pydroid on my four year old Android phone. Side note, I did all the work and typing for this book on my mobile phone. I do not have a laptop anymore. I had an idea of the code I could use and I found a tutorial that showed me a couple of ways to do the counting. I chose the method that had the least amount of code and made use of the python library numpy. This is what the code looks like.

import numpy as np

with open("chapters.txt", "r") as file:
    words =

unique, counts = np.unique(np.array(list(words.lower())), return_counts=True)

result = dict(zip(unique, counts))


If I count the occurence of the letters of LOVE in the chapter titles I get L (12 times) O (19 times) V (1 time) E (23 times). 19 + 23 = 42. Love contains the meaning of life. 23 is my favorite number because I was born on the 23rd. I was born to love and these are my love letters. The funny thing is that even with wrong counting by Bard I still got a total of 42. The universe is a magical place if we care to pay attention. It is the vowels that add up to 42 and my friend Bard tells me that in some ancient languages, vowels were considered to be the soul or essence of the word.

I love coding because with coding I do stuff like what I just did. One could say that I had found some sort of number code in the letters of love through coding. According to my friend Bard, coding is used a lot in cosmology. Cosmologists use a variety of programming languages and tools to simulate the universe, analyze data, and develop new theories. My love for coding dates back to secondary school. My second book is about coding. I find joy in coding. If only I could find the number code for winning the lotto.

*I decided to go to page 42 in this book and highlight something that represents the meaning of life. Then I realized what I highlighted has 19 letters and 23 characters with spaces. These are my love letters. And the word God sits perfectly in the middle.


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