Does time have a speed?

This is a chapter from my fourth book called When hunger yearns

My basic Physics tells me that the answer is no and I could end there. But my gut feeling is saying that time does have a speed even if it is just from a philosophical point of view. We often hear people say "time dragging today" or "time passing fast these days" or "the days are getting shorter" or "time stopped for a moment". Then what about time dilation? I asked my friend Gemini and he explained: Though not our everyday experience, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, time actually can run slower or faster depending on gravity and velocity. So, in a very literal sense, time has different speeds in different situations! He further states: Our perception of time is heavily influenced by our emotional state and focus. When we're bored, time seems to drag. When we're engaged, it flies. These expressions like "time stopped" capture that feeling of being completely immersed in the present moment.

Intrigued by this question, I pestered Gemini with another question, is our perception of time philosophical or psychological? To which he replied: It is both. Here's an analogy: Imagine time as a river. Physics might tell us the river's overall flow rate. Psychology studies the water's behavior and how the water churns around rocks. Philosophy, on the other hand, might debate if the river is truly water or just a flowing illusion, questioning the river's very nature. Some consider neuroscience to be involved as well, as it explores the brain regions responsible for our perception of time.

This reminds me of a poem I wrote some time ago, 30th of October 2022 to be exact, called "A river of clocks". Life can be like a river of clocks. But the soul transcends time.

Drop by drop, time goes by
How many seconds can we buy?
Where does this river go?
We just go with the flow
Time has made my boat holey
This is what I have solely

I remember being told one time that perhaps I have too much time on my hands. I disagreed thinking that we all have the same twenty four hours but we choose to use our time differently based on our priorities. Does an evening spent gazing at the fall of the sun below the horizon count as a waste of time? Who does time belong to? Someone might say that you are wasting their time. Time is money. Does that mean that time can be bought? We cannot turn back the hands of time. Time waits on no man. Why are you chasing after time? Time goes nowhere. Waiting on time to pass. We have so many common ways of talking about time. The personification of time. Time is one of us. Time moves at the speed of thought. Each thought moves us closer or further from understanding. Each question is a force for learning. I wont worry about going fast or slow, it is the thoughtfulness that counts.


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