What is the colour of laughter?

This is a chapter from my fourth book called When hunger yearns

If you have a question there is a good chance someone else has the same or similar question. No surprise when I Googled and someone asked the same question on Quora.

I would like to suggest that the colour of laughter is yellow and I present to you my comical proof or rather spoof.

Emojis are yellow

Maybe lol stands for lots of lemons. They say when life gives you lemon, make jokes out of them.

So yellow again.

If I crack a joke I get a yolk.

Yellow again.

I used to be afraid to share my jokes. My belly was yellow but now I am hungry for the stage.

Yellow is a jolly good fellow.

Inside some golf balls are yellow. Those are inside jokes. Looks like a swing and miss and that joke went over your head.

Corn is yellow and my jokes are corny.

When the sun shines it's sunny but when the sun laughs it's funny.

I am not the funniest bulb around. I am running out of ideas.

The bee told me, "honey you are not funny but as long as you got money together we can laugh all the way to the bank."

My readers are quiet as a mouse. Must be tired of my cheesy jokes.

Why is no one laughing? I must be a quack.

Will the real comedian sun shady please stand up.

These jokes are the highlighter of my career.

She said my pick up lines are like banana peels and I fell for you.

I better put a caution tape around my jokes.

My jokes are so bad instead of going over your head they are landing on your head.

Better wear a yellow construction hat.

I heard one of my readers yell ow! He bumbed his toe on that last joke.

My jokes are a work in progress and this is a construction site.

(Question Every Damn Thing)


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