Why another book?

This is a chapter from my fourth book called When hunger yearns

I was not going to write another book until next year but it seems like yearning combined with boredom combined with fate led me to start this book today. Ramadan begins today in Trinidad and one way to look at fasting is that it allows the fasting person to feel the pain of hunger and thirst of others. To walk in the shoes of others who struggle to sustain themselves normally. To do without. To sacrifice. I had no idea what this book would be about or what it would be titled until I decided to start this afternoon and I was brainstorming ideas. Humans are naturally inclined to seek knowledge and ask plenty of questions. Growing up means being encouraged to ask plenty of questions and we are told that there are no stupid questions but only stupid answers. Every chapter of this book would be some question that I ask and explore and try to answer.

I came up with the acronym "WHY - When Hunger Yearns" for this book because that is what it feels like when we ask questions. When we learn. When we explore. When we expand our mind. When we expand our thinking. When we seek knowledge. When we try to fill the gaps of ignorance. When we seek light. When we try to make sense of the world. When we seek enlightenment. My friend Gemini shares a quote with me from Dagobert Runes that reads, "Hunger for knowledge is a mark of wisdom. Seek learning while you yearn for it." This makes me think of the phrase, "questions are the food of the mind." With this book I want to ask a lot of questions. I want this book to be food for thought. A quest-ion is a quest for knowledge. To yearn for deeper understanding. To exercise the mind. To find meaning. To be human. To be intelligent. To be wise.

I write because it allows me to express myself and bring clarity to my thoughts. I share what I write because I feel through my writing I can make a difference in this world. Writing makes me a better person. I write because it is the right thing for me. I am grateful for the ability and opportunity to write this book. Whenever we ask why we can also ask why not. Why should I not write this book? Does it make me vulnerable and look foolish? Not many people will read this book? I am not a good writer? Me looking foolish means I am stepping outside my comfort zone and taking chances and that is a good thing. All I need is one person to read my book and that can create a ripple of good. And that one person can be me. Every good writer was once a not good writer. So why not write this book? Too late to stop now and I have already written the first chapter which I am sharing on my blog.


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