
This is a chapter from my fifth book called Freedom

It is after midnight and I have been connecting different things. I have arrived at logos, log and gol. Log is short for love of God. Gol is a euphemism for God. Example - Gol darn it, I spilled coffee all over my new shirt! Logos (logoi plural) goes back to ancient Greek philosophy. According to my friend Gemini, thinkers like Heraclitus and Pythagoras looked at the universe and saw patterns, cycles, and laws. This led them to believe the cosmos wasn't chaotic, but governed by a kind of divine reason – the Logos. Now I am wondering if there is a connection between logo and Logos. Logo is a shortened form of logotype. Logo is a symbol that represents a brand. I just noticed that brand and random both have rand and combined form Brandom.

When I Google Brandom I get the philosopher Robert Brandom. According to wikipedia he works primarily in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and philosophical logic. This has me asking, is logic related to logos and what is philosophical logic? My friend Gemini tells me that in a narrow sense philosophical logic is the application of logical methods to philosophical problems. In a broad sense it is the study of the nature and scope of logic itself. All this talk has me thinking, "life is not random". There is purpose to all of this. There is a reason why I am up at 130am researching and writing. There is a reason you are reading this. In Spanish the word for goal is gol. This is in the context of sports and though not the same as life's goal it does lead me to thinking about that. What is the goal of life? For me the answer is love. From this I learnt about the Greek word Agape. Agape is the highest form of love. Selfless love. Love of God for us and us for God.

This had me thinking. What other Greek word can I learn about today? I found the Greek word Mathein which means to learn. According to wikipedia, "The word mathematics comes from Ancient Greek mathema meaning "that which is learnt", "what one gets to know", hence also study and science. Logos is making me think of log in Maths. And also the golden ratio. Which is related to the Fibonacci sequence and often represented by the Greek letter phi. I am thinking philosophy. This is weird because this is how I started connecting things. My birth date is 23-5-80 (a sort of Fibonacci date) and this year I am 44 years and my birthday was on the 144th day of the year which leaves 222 days in the year. I was playing with the numbers 23, 44, 144 and 222 and that is what led me to log, gol and logos and the start of this chapter. Somewhere in between I calculated 433 from those numbers and was led to the "Thou Hidden Love of God" hymn. I was not going to bore you with all that but an opportunity to show the connection has presented itself.

So what can I take away from all of this and how can I conclude this chapter? I can take away three L's from the three Greek words I came across. They are Love, Learn and Logic. I have come to the conclusion that a life spent loving and learning is a logical path to freedom. I guess Life would be the fourth L word. And there is even a fifth L word. Liberty for freedom.

*144 = 12 × 12

*L is the 12th letter of the alphabet

*L occured 12 times in my Love Letters book coding calculations

*This is the 12th chapter

*This chapter starts on page 44

*This chapter is Logos and the previous chapter was Hope which reminds me of the Logos Hope book ship which came to Trinidad a few times and which I have been on. I bought an Umberto Eco book that I did not read and have lost anyways.

*If 12 (King) call in Play Whe today that would make me laugh out loud (LoL). Some more L words. A king is a leader.

*12 called the following day


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