
This is a chapter from my fifth book called Freedom

It is Wednesday the first of May. April showers bring May flowers. This has not been the case (at least this year) in Trinidad. There were hardly any April showers. We are on the lookout for May showers. This is my birthday month. I was supposed to start this book in May but I got a head start in April and it did not disappoint me. Below are what I initially started to call affirmations. My friend Gemini tells me that affirmations do not typically begin with the word "may". Affirmations aim for a stronger tone of conviction like "we will". He tells me that ultimately, the most important thing is to find affirmations that resonate with you and feel empowering. So, if "may" affirmations work for you, go for it! I guess these are intentions more than affirmations. They represent hopes and aspirations. These are powerful statements of what we desire to experience or bring into our life. They set the tone and direction for our thoughts and actions. Our wishes are beautiful intentions for ourselves and the world around us.

I read that in Islam, intentions (niyyah) are considered the foundation of all actions and a vital part of worship. "Actions are judged by intentions, and every person will be rewarded according to their intention" is a hadith (saying) from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that is central to Islamic thought and culture.

May we be happy
May we be content
May we have peace of mind
May we live with love
May good fortune follow us
May God guide and protect us
May we be guided towards the light
May the world live in freedom and peace
May good sense prevail
May we be open minded
May we be better than yesterday
May we attract good things into our lives
May we be courageous
May we be honest with ourselves and others
May we be kind with ourselves and others
May we be our brother's keeper
May we live with gratitude
May we let go and let God
May we be inspired by what is good
May we live with the goodness of God
May we live with inner peace
May we plant seeds of goodness
May our prayers be answered

In Sha Allah (God Willing)


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