Book Review - Instant Self Hypnosis

I learnt about this book from an MHO. For me it is for dealing with anxiety. But I will see what else I can learn from it. I am skeptical about a title with the word hypnosis in it but let us see. I would have chosen a better title. I do not want to be hypnotized and then cannot snap out of it. So I will be reading this book not calling it hypnosis but taking away the useful bits I could. Instead of hypnotherapy I would have said imagination therapy. Imagination instead of hypnosis.

The book addresses issues that affect everyone and that are important in living a fulfilling life. Like removing bad habits, confidence building, goal attainment, and so much more. I like that the author talks about the subconscious mind. So much of our behavior and understanding and decision making and abilities and others depend on our subconscious at least in my layman view. I am glad the author addresses the misconceptions and safety of hypnosis because I am skeptical. The book makes it clearer what the subconscious mind is and my sentence about the subconscious mind above could be said better.

I like the use of the computer being programmed being compared to the mind especially coming from a tech background. The mind has a safety mechanism in place that prevents us from changing our minds often and going into confusion. We can form a good habit by persistence and repetition and also affirmations. But the book is saying there is a third and easier way to get past the body's defense mechanism and that is hypnosis. I like that the author addresses misconceptions about hypnosis and how that goes against using it for therapy instead of entertainment. Makes me feel better than I felt when I started this book review.

The book defines hypnosis as a state of narrowed attention in which suggestibility is greatly heightened. It does not produce change but creates an environment highly conducive to change. At this point I am asking myself if I can hypnotize myself while walking. Because walking is what I am doing these days. There is a difference between hypnosis and meditation. The difference is the reason for both; meditation is for quieting thought while hypnosis is for making suggestions to the subconscious. Although active meditation is similar to hypnosis, the techniques are different. Then there is creative visualization. I think this would be the most beneficial to me to deal with anxiety.

I am trying to think how hypnosis could benefit me. I do not have any bad habits that stand out to me right now. Maybe it could help me be an extrovert. Become more social. But I love being introverted and being by myself and away from people. I guess advantages and disadvantages to everything. I want to lose weight and get fit and strong. That is probably what I would use self-hypnosis with. Also with managing my mental illness. I understand the part where the author says that you have to be willing for hypnosis to work. I am not comfortable going into hypnosis but I read the script and it does seem like something that would relax you and put you into a suggestive state.

The takeaway for me would be that I could read scripts to relax. I could develop scripts where I imagine myself after achieving some goal. I guess that is the same thing but the hypnosis thing still bothers me. I want to be in charge of my senses. That is why I will never drink alcohol or do drugs. I like that the book comes with some prepared scripts. I like the "You're Getting Sleepy","Lose Weight" and "Eat Healthy, Eat Right" scripts. And you are guided in creating your own scripts from templates. The author emphasizes that you have to be willing for the best results. Also belief and expectation. The author gives some bonus advice on how to make affirmations better. I have been doing daily affirmations and I enjoy doing them. The tone of the book is plenty calming and does make you feel like this is something that will work.


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