
There are approximately 89 days until the next Ramadan. I thought I would get a head start with this blog post. Many Muslims are looking forward to the next Ramadan. Hoping that we see another Ramadan. When I was younger I did not understand why some people would cry when Ramadan was done. In my logical mind I was thinking that why be sad when all the things you did during Ramadan, you can continue (and should continue) outside of Ramadan. It is like people say that mothers day should be every day and not that one day. Ramadan could be every month and not just that one month. We should be consistent with our obligations. But then I got older and really experienced the beauty of Ramadan and how different the month is and I felt the sadness myself when it was leaving and then I understood. They really say, who knows it feels it. The beauty of Ramadan and our Qadr being written (destiny) and the last ten nights and the extra blessings and so much more.

For the last two Ramadans I devised a theme for myself for that Ramadan and I am doing the same for this one. In 2023 it was to soften my heart. In 2024 it was to live with balance. Next Ramadan I want "consistency" to be my theme. I want to take better care of myself and that takes consistency. I need to remember my purpose and my potential and approach life with worth. Worth for myself and worth for others and worth for the opportunity to work for the hereafter. I must remember that I can make a difference for myself and the world. Before I can change the world I have to change myself. Regularity is a big part of this and one approach is to set small reasonable goals. I found this beautiful short video of how God loves consistency and how it relates to Ramadan.

There is a hadith that goes, "The deeds most loved by Allah are those done regularly, even if they are small" this was when the prophet (saw) was asked about the most beloved good deed to Allah. For many things I have the required consistency but for some things I lack consistency and that is where I need to change. There is certainly a balance between routine and change and experimentation and trying new things. And of course there are advantages and disadvantages to everything. All of this is related to habits and I remember the book I read on micro habits. Learning and unlearning is also part of the process. A big part. We do not want to get stuck in a bad routine. And practice makes perfect. We must be open to asking for help and seeking advice. Feel free to ask me for advice (not many people do) but I have years of experience and a brilliant mind oriented towards problem solving but broken by circumstances and stubbornness. It is never too late and may this Ramadan and the time leading up be the turning point for those of us who need it.


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