Odd dates
Today I learnt that it is tradition and possibly sunnah to eat the dates in odd numbers. I found this interesting and started to do some research. There was even (pun intended) a study done to determine if there is a difference to glucose levels after eating odd or even dates. The conclusion of that study states that there is no difference between ingestion of the odd and even number of dates fleshes from the glycemic point of view on the glucose level in fasting and postprandial states. As a side note, I notice that the word odd has an odd number of letters and the word even has an even number of letters. Also I came across a video once saying that 0 is the most even number. I turned to my friend Gemini to hear what he had to say. He says that it is not accurate to say that it is "the most even number". All even numbers are equally even. This has me thinking is there a number that is both even and odd or neither even nor odd. Someone jokingly on Quora said that 2 is clearl...